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1 nines09  Oct 14, 2014 9:52:40am
2 lostlakehiker  Oct 14, 2014 9:57:33am

That’s not misogyny. Candid observers have noticed that short fat bald men who look like snapping turtles [ugly as sin, in short] are not likely to do as well as if they were tall, dark, and handsome. Never mind the policies. And this is a contest between two women. The true misogynist would have found something bad to say about both of them.

3 wrenchwitch  Oct 14, 2014 10:08:39am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

That’s not misogyny. Candid observers have noticed that short fat bald men who look like snapping turtles [ugly as sin, in short] are not likely to do as well as if they were tall, dark, and handsome. Never mind the policies. And this is a contest between two women. The true misogynist would have found something bad to say about both of them.

He did offend both women:

Garcia released the following statement: “State Rep. Vaillancourt’s recent comments about Rep. Ann Kuster are sexist and have absolutely no place in political discourse. Both Rep. Kuster and I have experienced this unfortunate reality of being a woman in politics. I hope that as time moves forward and more female candidates run for political office around the country, people will focus on the content of our ideas rather than what we wear and how we look.”

Did you read the article? Did you look up ‘misogyny’? Or did you consult the expert in your home again?

4 HappyWarrior  Oct 14, 2014 12:50:00pm

Rich words from a guy who looks like a troll. And Republicans wonder why women voters and indeed many sane men votets find their party repulsive.

5 Mentis Fugit  Oct 14, 2014 1:23:50pm

re: #2 lostlakehiker

Candid observers have noticed that short fat bald men who look like snapping turtles [ugly as sin, in short] are not likely to do as well as if they were tall, dark, and handsome.

Irrelevant. Would Vaillancourt have said the same thing about a male candidate? No? Then it’s misogyny.

6 De Kolta Chair  Oct 14, 2014 1:56:45pm

Wonder Woman #125, 1961

7 palomino  Oct 14, 2014 5:28:17pm

re: #2 lostlakehiker

That’s not misogyny. Candid observers have noticed that short fat bald men who look like snapping turtles [ugly as sin, in short] are not likely to do as well as if they were tall, dark, and handsome. Never mind the policies. And this is a contest between two women. The true misogynist would have found something bad to say about both of them.

Except that looks don’t really matter for male pols. For every handsome JFK in Congress or the White House, there are 10 guys who look like Nixon…or worse. McConnell and Reid are butt ugly, but how often did that come up in the campaigns when they ran against women to retain their Senate seats?

Your analysis sounds robotic, as if it were manufactured by a talking point machine with no human qualities whatsoever. Are you a human, or a computer chip?

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